Rhabdom Solutions


About Agriculture

Agriculture is a very important sector but over the years indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides and fertilizer has posed lot of problems. Key issues affecting agricultural productivity also include continued dependence on monsoon, inadequate access to irrigation, imbalanced use of soil nutrients , loss of fertility of soil, uneven access to modern technology etc.

Revolutionizing Agriculture with Innovative Products

Given the adverse effects of heat and water on long-term storage of products, lyophilization is often the best solution. Besides increasing sample shelf life, freeze-drying also reduces sample weight and volume, which can cut down on storage and shipping costs. Lyophilization can also remove the need to ship samples on dry ice, as the samples are more stable at room temperature. From sample stability and purity to increased shelf life and reduced costs, lyophilization is a convenient, safe and efficient method for long-term storage.

Two factors impacted Agriculture badly

Imbalance in use of fertilizers

There are three major types of nutrients used as fertilizers: Nitrogen (N), Phosphatic (P), and Potassic (K) which are used in agriculture part from other macro and micro nutrients. An imbalanced use of these chemical fertilizers lead to a loss of fertility in the soil over a period of time and affecting productivity. This imbalance can be restored by the use of Microbes. They play a very important role in restoring the balance of nutrients and maintaining soil health. Use of technology-based products which are effective and doesn’t harm the environment should be adopted.

Indescriminate use of pesticides

Pesticides are extensively used in modern agriculture and are an effective and economical way to enhance the yield quality and quantity, thus ensuring food security for the ever-growing population around the globe. However, use of pesticides without proper guidelines has led to an increase in pesticide residue being found in food products all over the world. There is a pressing need to adopt technology based eco-friendly and broad spectrum methods of controlling pests and diseases which do not harm the environment and beneficial insects.

Era of Organic Farming

Organic farming has been evolving all over the world with many countries converting major portion of the farming to organic farming. Food quality and safety are two vital factors that have attained constant attention in common people. Growing environmental awareness and several food hazards have substantially decreased the consumer’s trust towards food quality in the last decades. Organically grown food and food products are believed to meet these demands and have become one of the better choices for both consumers and farmers.

The main principles and practices of organic food production are to inspire and enhance biological cycles in the farming system, keep and enhance deep-rooted soil fertility, reduce all types of pollution, discourage the use of chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilizers.

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